FW: JBoss Negotiate

Krishnawat, Nagendra Nagendra.Krishnawat at westernasset.com
Fri Mar 13 14:15:35 EDT 2009


I am trying to implement slient authentication using SPNEGO, My app server is JBOSS, Java vs 1.6. After I was done with configuraton during testing I get the following exception:

"Caused by: KrbException: Invalid argument (400) - Cannot find key of appropriate type to decrypt AP REP - RC4 with HMAC"

To enforce KDC to use DES encryption, so I recreated new user with new property of "Use DES encryption type" selected, set SPN and recreated keyTab file using crypto as DES-CBC-CRC.

[cid:657055523 at 12032009-0211]
I got the same stack trace:

Caused by: KrbException: Invalid argument (400) - Cannot find key of appropriate type to decrypt AP REP - RC4 with HMAC
        at sun.security.krb5.KrbApReq.authenticate(KrbApReq.java:262)
        at sun.security.krb5.KrbApReq.<init>(KrbApReq.java:134)
        at sun.security.jgss.krb5.InitSecContextToken.<init>(InitSecContextToken.java:79)

This means KDC is encrypting using RC4, even if "Use DES encryption type for this account" checkbox is checked.

But I an not very sure that this is a KDC issue, because AP REQ and AP RES are the message exchange between client and server, not between client and KDC.

Can you guide do where should I make the fix, I am stuck.


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