krb5-1.6.1 problems (on RedHat) (was: AS_REQ Return code 60 for principal expired?)

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 13 15:27:39 EST 2009

Still skimming messages in the thread today, but:

On Jan 13, 2009, at 13:16, Mike Friedman wrote:
> I should also mention that during the period of my testing, the  
> following
> messages are scattered through the KDC logs:
>     o Authentication attempt failed: <origin IP address>, GSS-API  
> error strings are:
>     o Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more  
> information
>     o Unknown code kdb5 27
>     o GSS-API error strings complete.
> (Note that the first message does not end with any GSS-API error  
> strings,
> so I assume they are null values).

Actually, the strings in between the "error strings are" and "error  
strings complete" messages *are* the major- and minor-code status  
messages.  (Typically we get one of each, but the API is such that  
either or both could provide multiple strings, and they could each  
span multiple lines, hence no attempt to stick everything onto one  
line.)  It probably would be a little more clear (though not really  
any more informative) if we added a prefix to those lines...


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