Kerberize MS Exchange?

Walter Sobchak genijalac at
Fri Sep 5 03:04:19 EDT 2008

Michael B Allen wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Walter Sobchak <genijalac at> wrote:
>> I'd like to kerberize ms exchange. I found some information about adding
>> a security patch and some settings but not enough for it to work.
>> Are there any pointers someone could give me?
>> Do I have to use some commercial solution or it can be configured or
>> programmed manually?
> Kerberize it how?
> MS Exchange uses a proprietary communications protocol so it's not
> clear how Kerberos authentication even works in Exchange [1].
> If you're talking about using IMAP4, last I checked MS Exchange does
> not support Kerberos w/ IMAP4 at all.
> Mike
> [1] There is some new "Exchange Protocols" documentation released as
> part of the EU settlement that might include such details.

What I really want to do is use Outlook Web Access.
Also I would like to have this option for Internet users, not only local 
company users.

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