Cross Realm Authentication

Andrea Cirulli acirulli at
Sat Mar 8 09:16:21 EST 2008

Hi all,I've right setted up a multi realm KDC.

My setting is the following:
I have 2 realm SOLARIS and SOLARIS2.
I can right authenticate on machine having the ticket for that realm
With a ticket for realm SOLARIS I can authenticate on machines that have as
the default realm SOLARIS and the same for the realm SOLARIS2.

Now, i want to obtain that with a ticket for SOLARIS realm i can
authenticate on SOLARIS2 realm based machine.

I putted in the KDC the realm krbtgt/SOLARIS at SOLARIS2 but it doesn't work,
reading guide on cross realm authentication they said that adding this
particular realm is the only thing to do making the cross realm
authentication working.

Any suggestions?
Am i missing something for the correct configuration,

thanks in advance guys!

Andrea Cirulli

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