Password Syncing to Kerberos using SFU's ssod

Christopher D. Clausen cclausen at
Wed Jan 9 12:30:12 EST 2008

I'm guessing using a single Kerberos KDC on Windows is going to be more 
stable than some password syncronization process that neither vendor 
fully supports.


Colin Simpson <Colin.Simpson at> wrote:
> My only reason is we don't really trust window stability and try to
> resist MS creeping onto our servers :-)
> Colin
> On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 17:13 +0000, Christopher D. Clausen wrote:
>> Colin Simpson <Colin.Simpson at> wrote:
>>> I'm looking at finding a new solution to syncing password between AD
>>> and
>>> Kerberos. We had been using CEDAR for this and it's great but the
>>> passwdHK dll on windows hates it if you pass in 8 bit ascii
>>> passsword.
>> AD already is Kerberos.  Why don't you just use your Active Directory
>> controllers as the Kerberos KDCs as well?
>> <<CDC 

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