Mit Kerberos Client With trusted Active directories

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Fri Jan 4 10:19:07 EST 2008

e70965 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Domain_A and Daomain_B (Both are Win2003 Servers).I have made two-way
> trust between Both AD servers.
> I want to do Kerberos authentication from machine which is joined to
> Domain_A using Domain_B user's account.
> In this case Suppose my client (in Daomin_A) do not have the access to
> domain_B.  Authentication process can be done via Domain_A Server to
> Domain_B Server (I mean getting TGT/TGS).

No. The Domain servers (KDC) don't communicate directly. The client
libs request tickets from the user's KDC in Domain_B, for a TGT. That
TGT is used against Domain_B to get a second TGT usable at Domain_A.
(It is encrypted in the shared secret you setup with the trust.)
The second TGT is then used against Domain_A to get service tickets for
services in Domain_A.

> Please help me, if any one knows about this.
> Regards,
> Eswar S
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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