openldap server and authetication linux and windows clients

Wojciech Giel wojtekgiel at
Fri Nov 9 01:28:22 EST 2007

I'm rather new with this topic.  Town Office where I work is going to
implement directory service. They choose openldap as a cheaper
alternative than MS ADirectory. It's mixed enviroment something 60%
clients with linux on board rest with windowsXP . server ldap and
kerberos is on linux. debian.
Before  this step unlike my collegues i prefere to test it in testing
first step is to run kerberos server and clients authentication.
And I have working ntp server and clients, MIT kerberos server, and
linux kerberos client.
I can log in the linux system only with working server it is what i want.
and now is the piont. I have installed MIT kerberos for windows and I
want to do the same in windows. I can get ticketd with Network Identity
Managet. but i want  to login to windows with kerberos authentication.
how to do it. I couldn't find and docs about it. I'd like to know that
it is working before implementing ldap.
Wojtek Giel
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