Credentials need to be manually obtained after creating VPN connection

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Fri Jul 27 10:48:52 EDT 2007

Marsha Cipollone wrote:
> I am currently running Kerb for Windows 3.2 using a Linux KDC on Windows XP
> sp2 machines.  Our VPN connection is such that you must establish the
> connection post log in.  When the machine boots up, KFW attempts to obtain
> creds which is what we want when connected to the network.  When connecting
> elsewhere and establishing a VPN connection, we would like to have KFW wait
> for the VPN to connect and then obtain creds, but it does not do that
> automatically.  Even after the VPN connection is established, you still have
> to manually obtain and\or renew creds.  What setting must I configure to
> have KFW automatically obtain/renew creds upon establishing a connection to
> the KDC?  I'm guessing its is under HKCU\MIT\Netidmgr\CredWindow, but I'm
> not sure what the setting should be or if that is even the correct
> location.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Network Identity Manager does not know about VPNs. 

What I recommend you do is configure your VPN client to execute
"netidmgr.exe -a" after it establishes the connection.  This will force
NIM to prompt the user for credentials.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

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