Re.How to configure kerberos with windows 2000 AD

Christopher D. Clausen cclausen at
Tue Jan 30 22:22:57 EST 2007

Bharat Thakur <bharat.s.thakur at> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> Thanks for your reply. There are three linux server and one windows
> 2003 AD(R2) in same network with 180 linux thin clients and 400
> windows clients. KDC installed in first linux server other two are
> application server for sun clients. I want to integrate KDC with AD .
> So that linux client also logon with AD user.

You mean you want AD users to be able to login to linux clients?

How are the users logging on?  Through SSH?  Or "on the glass."?

Do you have a realm trust setup between the AD domain and linux KDC?


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