Where can I find how-to advice on setting up a local KDC?

Kevin Koch kpkoch at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 3 23:35:55 EDT 2007

I already have domain controller and Debian VMware VMs.  The host and
another XP VM have the debugging environment set up.  Which way do you think
it would be easier to proceed?  


Kevin Koch

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher D. Clausen [mailto:cclausen at acm.org] 
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:08 PM
To: Kevin Koch
Cc: kerberos at mit.edu
Subject: Re: Where can I find how-to advice on setting up a local KDC?

Kevin Koch <kpkoch at mit.edu> wrote:
> ... I can't debug NIM
> timing issues without being able to connect to a KDC.  I can't ship a
> product without those fixes.
> Where can I find out how to set up a KDC locally for NIM to connect
> to?

NIM is only in KfW, right?  As in, you are working on Windows?

I'd suggest using Virtual PC and running some non-Windows OS and just 
follow the normal instructions.  Otherwise, you could install a server 
version of Windows and run a domain controller on your laptop, but I 
would not suggest that.  Ask on #kerberos on Freenode IRC if you'd like 
help with a KDC install.

However, wouldn't the KDC being on your local computer also affect 
timing?  (As in, wouldn't it be really fast and not a real world 


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