Database seems to have become corrupted

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Thu Jul 20 17:22:28 EDT 2006

>>>>> "KR" == Ken Raeburn <raeburn at MIT.EDU> writes:

KR> Do you have any notion what might've been changed since the
KR> previous kprop run when you got a successful dump?

I have no idea at all.  Lots of stuff tends to happen at 4AM on a Red
Hat/Fedora system but I can't pin it down to anything specific.

The only thing I can possibly come up with is that the logs are
rotated then, which could result in additional space usage on /var as
the old logs are compressed.  But there's plenty of space there.

kadmin had nothing logged for two days before the issue.  krb5kdc.log
of course had tons of stuff logged, but nothing out of the ordinary
around the time of the failure.

 - J<

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