KDC Hardware

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at cmu.edu
Fri Jan 6 15:21:07 EST 2006

On Friday, January 06, 2006 12:37:51 PM +0100 Turbo Fredriksson 
<turbo at bayour.com> wrote:

> Quoting Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz at cmu.edu>:
>> On Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:03:44 AM +0200 Amir Saad
>> <Amir.Saad at bibalex.org> wrote:
>>> i use Fedora 4, OpenLDAP and Kerberos instead of NIS
>>> what is the suitable hardware configuration for the KDC to support a
>>> network with 200 machines? thanks
>> Whatever random piece of crap you have lying around will do just fine.

> Note though the 'random piece of crap' note is true when it comes
> to KERBEROS (that doesn't need ANYTHING regarding power/storage/speed)
> but not LDAP... That is a lot more demanding...

True.  The original question was about a KDC, not an LDAP server.

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