JAAS -Incorrect address format-Heimdal Kerberos

vpouli vpouli at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 07:48:47 EDT 2006

First of all, thanks for your help!

I tried testing the 1st solution of the two, which is modifying the
kerberos configuration file, but the problem still remains. Here' s
what I did:

I checked in the /etc/krb5.conf file if there is a key/value
"ccache_type" set to 1 or 2 but there wasn't, so I added in the
[libdefaults] stanza (should I choose another stanza?) the key/value
"ccache_type = 3".
After modifying so the /etc/krb5.conf file, I restarted the kdc, run
kinit and tested the jaas tutorial but the problem still remains.
After those steps should it have worked? or did I do something wrong?

I was also wondering how can i see what version of ticket cache file I
use?  Is it the integer variable "version" that is mentioned in the
"load" method in the
sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.FileCredentialsCache class? If this
is it, then it's equal to 0x504 (or 1284 in decimal).

I didn't change the jsdk that I am using which is j2sdk142_09 but
probably now I will follow the 2nd solution and download the latest
J2SE 1.4.2_12 release.

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