principal for ftp service ---> Can I use anything other than ftp/fqdn@REALM ? sandypossible at
Sat Apr 22 01:45:13 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I have a query regarding the usage of the kerberos pricipals of the
format "<service>/<FQDN>@<REALM>". My question is can I use any other
principal format other than <service>/<FQDN>@<REALM> ? The
<service>/<FQDN>@<REALM> is the common convention used.

Giving an example, say for example, I am using a kerborized ftp
application. As of now, the keytab entries , the service entry on KDC
are having the ftp principal of the foramt, ftp/fqdn at REALM. I am able
to successfully do ftp connection using kerberos.

My requirement is to avoid use of fqdn. Can I do it ? can I use
principal of my convenience ? I have noticed that when I start ftp
client, by default it tries to get TGS of the form ftp/fqdn at REALM. If I
have different entry for ftp service in the KDC, this will definitely
fail. So does this requirement requires changes in ftp server code and
client code ?

1) First of all can I do this way ( using ftp principal other than the
standard method of using fqdn )

2) Could anybody please tell me what are the issues involved here ?

3) Issues involved when all the systems in the realm are non windows

4) interoperability issues like when I use ftp server on linux and try
to connect to it from windows machine.


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