Don't get some Service tickets

Luciano Bolonheis bolonheis at
Thu Oct 6 10:27:07 EDT 2005

i'm still trying to put kerberos to work.
The problem now is, I can do the login using a kerberos account, and I
get the krbtgt and host/ tickets (orome is
the name of the client host). If I use ldap (#ldapsearch for example),
I get the ldap/ service ticket. But, using
HTTP I don't get the ticket and also don't get SAMBA tickets. And even
with the host/orome ticket, SSH and TELNET still asks for my password.
HTTP always asks for a password, if I type the password it works.
I use Slackware, so, there is no PAM.
With Windows client, the KRB5KDC prints in the log the issued ticket,
but Windows does not login.

Am I missing something ?
Anyone can help me?
Thanks a lot

Luciano Bolonheis
Ministério Público Federal
Procuradoria da República
* LPIC-1 * FCP

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