gss_acquire_cred failing ambekar at
Tue Nov 22 10:20:53 EST 2005

I am trying to call gss_acquire_cred in my code and have noticed
strange behavior on Windows and Linux (Redhat).
This is what I am trying to do,
1) kinit -5 -S <service name> <user principal >
2) in my code, I create kerberos context, parse user principal string
3) calling gss_import_name on parsed principal and passing the output
(output_name) to gss_acquire_cred as desired_name

On windows, this sequence seems to work without any issue. Even if I
pass GSS_C_NO_NAME  as desired_name, API works fine.

On linux, both of these approaches give error (major error code 851968
and minor error code 39756033). Internet search suggests reverse lookup
Does anyone know what can be the issue?

I am using Windows Kerberos server and MIT sdk for application
development. Linux Kerberos setup is working fine and I can run kinit
and kadmin.

Thanks and Regards
Ashwin Ambekar

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