KDC logging of failed attempts?

Daniel Henninger daniel at unity.ncsu.edu
Fri Mar 4 15:26:46 EST 2005

Hi folk,

I could be misremembering, but I could swear I used to see failed attempts 
in the KDC error logs.  Is this not true?  And regardless, is there any 
way to get failed attempts logged?  For instance, if I kinit to a 
particular user, I see one ISSUE for preauth, and one ISSUE for the failed 
password attempt.  Both are identical, and I never see anything that 
indicates that there was a problem.  Any suggestions?  I'm back at 1.2.8 
btw.  (slightly patched)


\ \\\      Daniel Henninger           http://www.vorpalcloud.org/        /// /
  \_\\\      North Carolina State University - Systems Programmer        ///_/
     \\\                   Information Technology <IT>                  ///

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