Kerberos + Qpopper Build fails

Viji vijayalakshmi_k at
Tue Jul 26 00:17:11 EDT 2005

Hi All,

I am using kerberos version 1.4.1. Till kerberos version 1.2.8 "libkrb5util" library was available. But from 1.3 series "libkrb5util" library is not available. 

I want to build qpopper with kerberos. Qpopper requires "libkrb5util" library. What do i need to do to get this library? Or Is there any other way to build qpopper with kerberos?

I have used the following build steps.
kerberos (1.4.1) build
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/krb5 --with-krb4
#gmake install

Qpopper(4.0.8) Build
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/qpopper --with-kerberos5=/usr/local/krb5
No problem with configure. 
gcc   pop_dele.o pop_dropcopy.o pop_get_command.o pop_get_subcommand.o pop_init.o pop_last.o pop_list.o pop_log.o pop_lower.o pop_msg.o pop_parse.o pop_pass.o pop_quit.o pop_rset.o pop_send.o pop_stat.o pop_updt.o pop_user.o pop_xtnd.o pop_xmit.o popper.o pop_bull.o xtnd_xlst.o pop_uidl.o mktemp.o pop_rpop.o pop_apop.o md5.o pop_auth.o pop_pope.o pop_extend.o scram.o hmac.o base64.o pop_util.o get_sub_opt.o msg_ptr.o drac.o pop_config.o pop_tls.o pop_tls_openssl.o pop_tls_sslplus.o sslplus_utils.o main.o pop_cache.o genpath.o  -o popper ../mmangle/libmangle.a \
        -I../common ../common/libcommon.a \
        -lnsl  -L/usr/local/krb5/lib -lkrb5util -lkrb5 -ldes425 -lcom_err -lk5crypto   -lsec -lcrypt -lpam 
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Can't find library: "krb5util"
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[1]: *** [popper] Error 1

kerberos version 1.4.1 doesnot contain this "libkrb5util" library. Previously i used kerberos 1.2.2, it is having "libkrb5util" library. But i want to update to the latest version(1.4.1) of kerberos. What i need to do to make qpopper to work with kerberos 1.4.1? 

Any help will be useful to me.

Thanks in advance,

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