Kadm5 issue

Anderson Luiz Brunozi abrunozi at cpqd.com.br
Thu Feb 10 11:51:47 EST 2005

Hi all,

I have already posted to this list some time ago asking about a Java implementation for a kadm5 client.
Now, I am going to implement the Java kadm5 client that I'm required to. 
And as I have not found any sign of an existing Java implementation yet, I have decided to do it starting from the protocol spec.

The problem is: I can't find the kadm5 protocol specification.

I have already started the work by analyzing the C source code, and also, I have found RFC's that define RPC an GSS Mechanism, but nothing specific to the Kadm5. 
I mean, what should go inside the GSS-token for each the kadm5 messages?

I think it would be a lot easier to implement the client by having the spec, then it would be if I had to go deep in the C code to figure out how the things work.
Could anyone tell if there exists such an specification for the kadm5 protocol? And where can I find it?

Thanks for any help,

    Anderson Luiz Brunozi

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