Kerberos Authentication against Active Directory in Java-Servlet

Seema Malkani Seema.Malkani at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 30 19:10:42 EDT 2005

There are no restrictions to password length in Java. Check your Java
Servlet code. Possibly you have specified a password size in the HTML file.


horser at wrote:

>Hi NG,
>I use Java 1.4.2 and a Servlet in which I do a password authentication
>the Active Directory. It works fine but I have the problem if User has
>a password shorter then 6 characters the login will fail.
>(Preauthentication Error).
>The User has no problem if he log on an windows maschine or on a linux
>maschine (the linux maschine will use kerberos and the same krb5.conf
>authenticate against the Active Directory) but the servlet won't do it.
>Any Ideas? Are there restictions/rules in java or something else?
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