Fedora2/Apache2 and Key Version Error

Jose M. Fernandez A. jose.fernandez at reniec.gob.pe
Thu Aug 11 18:26:23 EDT 2005

Hello myu friend, i wan t to know if you resolve this problem:
kerb_authenticate_user entered with user (NULL) and auth_type Kerberos kerb_authenticate_user entered with user (NULL) and auth_type Kerberos Acquiring creds for HTTP/fqdn.domain.com at REALM <https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/kerberos> Verifying client data using KRB5 GSS-API Verification returned code 589824 Warning: received token seems to be NTLM, which isn't supported... gss_accept_sec_context() failed: A token was invalid (Token header is malformed or corrupt) kerb_authenticate_user entered with user (NULL) and auth_type Kerberos kerb_authenticate_user_krb5pwd ret=0 user=username at REALM <https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/kerberos> authtype=Basic 

If, you can help, please i will be very gracefull


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