kdcpreauth.c and Kerberos for the Macintosh

Ken Hornstein kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Fri Aug 5 18:04:52 EDT 2005

>Have you tried the Tiger (10.4) support?  Our hardware preauth test  
>case (grail) works with Tiger.
>Note that there are some known problems with the graphical prompter  
>support and the loginwindow.  These will be resolved in a future  
>update from Apple.  However if you are seeing problems from the  
>dialog after login (such as from Kerberos.app), please let me know.

I dug up the original email.  The person was talking about 10.3, and
I have this snippet from that thread:

	I want to run one more test and see if it works in tiger (I do not  
	think it does; I don't see the gui bits that would support it  
	floating around anywhere).

I don't believe I heard back from the person regarding this, and this
was back in mid-May.  So I never heard if it worked in Tiger or not.
(I don't run Tiger right now, since AFS isn't released for it yet).


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