Solaris 9 Cross Realm Authentication Problems

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at
Fri Apr 1 23:34:50 EST 2005

On Friday, April 01, 2005 07:23:37 PM -0800 Darren Hoch 
<webmaster at> wrote:

> kadmin: lisprincs
> <snip>
> krbtgt/ at EXAMPLE2.COM
> krbtgt/ at EXAMPLE1.COM
> krbtgt/ at EXAMPLE.COM

The second components of each of these principal names must exactly match 
the name of the realm involved, including case.  So, for example, for a 
client in the EXAMPLE1.COM realm to authenticate to a service in the 
EXAMPLE.COM realm, you need krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM at EXAMPLE1.COM to exist.  Of 
course, it needs to exist in both realms and have the same key and kvno in 
both places.

-- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <jhutz+ at>
   Sr. Research Systems Programmer
   School of Computer Science - Research Computing Facility
   Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA

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