kerberized nfs in OSX 10.3

Arjen van Bochoven bochoven at
Fri Oct 29 07:56:07 EDT 2004

I have some questions regarding nfs and kerberos. I work in a lab that 
deploys Solaris Servers and Solaris-, Windows-, OSX- and Linux clients. 
I am responsible for the 100 OSX workstations. The Solaris clients 
connect to the servers with secure nfs, but we're investigating 
switching to kerberized nfsv3.

I was wondering if kerberized nfs is available for OSX 10.3 (kernel 
version 7.5.0) The manpages of nfs_mount suggest that kerberized nfs 
support is there, but the -K option is not recognized. If it is 
available, could anyone point me in the right direction for setting up 
a kerberized nfs mount?

I've read some previous posts suggesting OpenAFS as an alternative. Has 
anyone done a setup for OSX workstations which mounts user 
homedirectories on login using AFS?

Thanks in advance,

Arjen van Bochoven              Systeembeheer FEW
                                 Vrije Universiteit
telefoon: +31 20 44 47433       De Boelelaan 1081a, k. S4.05a
the Netherlands                 1081 HV Amsterdam

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