krb5kdc error - unable to bind server to port 88
mdj_frend at
Wed May 19 09:25:32 EDT 2004
hi all,
I am trying to install kerberos KDC, app server and client on a
single linux machine.
I am trying to install as a normal user rather than root in my /home
Commands given:
./configure --prefix=/home/myname/dir
( before giving this , i have created var directory and krb5kdc under
var )
I have put kdc.conf in /home/myname/dir/var/krb5kdc/
and krb5.conf in /etc
Now ,
i do --> make ;make check
and also
--> make install
everything is fine :)
>> cd /home/myname/dir/sbin
>> kdb5_util create -s
all the 5 files are created under /home/myname/dir/var/krb5kdc/
principal...principal.ok etc :)
>> kadmin.local
created myname/admin using addprinc
>> krb5kdc
it doesn't give any error
>> cd ..
>> cd bin
>> kinit myname/admin
kinit(v5): Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm while getting
initial credentials
error :(
>> now if i open the log file,
vi krb5kdc.conf :
May 19 18:04:23 krb5kdc[29636](info): setting up network...
krb5kdc: Permission denied - Cannot bind server socket to port 88
May 19 18:04:23 krb5kdc[29636](info): set up 0 sockets
krb5kdc: no sockets set up?
is this bcoz of i don't have root permission?
I tried the above procedure as "root"
and if /sbin/kdb_util create -s
it takes the default path /var/local/...
which i don't want . How to avoid this?
thank you in advance
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