SSO with Win2k KDC and WLS8.1 running on Solaris

Claude claude at
Wed May 12 17:59:19 EDT 2004


I want to build a SSO between Windows 2000 and my J2EE application. My Java
clients connect to WLS 8.1 running on Solaris.
I would like to use the Windows 2000 KDC and I have no KDC on UNIX.

1) Is it correct to implement this using JAAS and the GSS-API?

2) What configuration do I need to do to run Sun's paper called "Single
Sign-on Using Kerberos in Java"?
(this paper is part of Java 1.4.2 JDK docs).

thanks, Claude

PS: I'm new to Kerberos, so maybe, i'm not on the right direction

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