Problem in running gss.exe of kfw 2.6 using MSLSA cache and using

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Wed Mar 31 12:23:09 EST 2004

You did not answer the most important question I asked you.
Where is your krb5kt file?  and is there a service key in the file?

As for kinit, you cannot use 'kinit' with MSLSA: ccaches since the
MSLSA: ccache is read-only.  MSLSA: only works if you have already
performed a login via Windows and the current session is authenticated
using the Microsoft Kerberos SSP.

Vikas Gandhi wrote:
> Adding to this 
> I am also not able to do kinit also
> It gives me kinit(v5): No credentials cache found while getting default ccache
> Regards
> Vikas

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