DNS SRV Records, other things

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 9 13:58:23 EST 2004

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Henninger <daniel at unity.ncsu.edu> writes:
    Daniel> krb524d seems to have a "leak" or something.  After X days
    Daniel> (X I haven't determined exactly yet, and it might not be a
    Daniel> set number) krb524d croaks, no errors in the logs, no
    Daniel> nothing.  I resorted to running a job to check for it and
    Daniel> bring it back up if it dies, but...  I don't understand
    Daniel> why it's "suddenly" croaking on a somewhat regular basis.
    Daniel> Are there known issues with it?  (for that matter, was it
    Daniel> ever made non-experimental/alpha/whatever it was labeled
    Daniel> before?)  At first I figured we used to restart it nightly
    Daniel> as well, but that turned out not to be the case.

It's considered non-alpha production software at this point.  I don't
know of any issues that would cause it to crash.  Does it dump core?
Can you capture a core dump?

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