How to obtain a keytab for a Windows application server?

Colin Caughie c.caughie at
Fri Feb 13 11:59:42 EST 2004

> "kadmin" is a KDC administration tool.  KfW does not include "kadmin"
> because KfW does not support the hosting of a KDC on Windows.

...but the kadmin client can also be used to administer a remote KDC can it
not? So it would still be useful to have on Windows even if you can't have a
KDC on Windows. Especially given that (unless I'm mistaken) kadmin is the
recommended way of securely getting a keytab onto an application server

(I think what I'm really after is the kadm5 library, not kadmin itself -- 
I'm looking for a programmatic way of initialising the keytab on the
application server).

Colin Caughie

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