Ticket forwarding API

Fredrik Tolf fredrik at dolda2000.com
Mon Aug 30 18:14:12 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 18:52 +0000, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Fredrik" == Fredrik Tolf <fredrik at dolda2000.com> writes:
>     Fredrik> I'm developing an application that has Krb5
>     Fredrik> authentication (native, not GSS-API), and I found that it
>     Fredrik> was easy to make it work that far.
>     Fredrik> Now I'd like to get ticket forwarding to work. However, I
>     Fredrik> cannot find a work about forwarding in the API
>     Fredrik> documentation (the TeX file in the MIT- KRB5
>     Fredrik> source). 
> That document is more harmful than useful.  There really isn't a good
> API document for MIT Kerberos.

Really? I found it fairly useful in building the authentication part
(only in combination with the library source and sample implementation,
but still...).

>     Fredrik> Does anyone know of any other documentation that
>     Fredrik> covers forwarding, or alternatively a program that uses
>     Fredrik> the native Krb5 API for ticket forwarding whose source I
>     Fredrik> can look at?
> Let's see.  You could look at src/appl/bsd/kcmd.c, or
> src/lib/gssapi/krb5/init_sec_ctx.c for examples of how to forward
> tickets.  You can look at src/lib/krb5/fwd_tgt.c for the
> implementation of how ticket forwarding works.

I had come to the conclusion about kcmd.c on my own just recently.
Thanks for pointing out the library sources to look at, however. I'm
sure that will come in plenty useful.

Fredrik Tolf

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