Ticket forwarding API

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 30 14:32:51 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Fredrik" == Fredrik Tolf <fredrik at dolda2000.com> writes:

    Fredrik> I'm developing an application that has Krb5
    Fredrik> authentication (native, not GSS-API), and I found that it
    Fredrik> was easy to make it work that far.

    Fredrik> Now I'd like to get ticket forwarding to work. However, I
    Fredrik> cannot find a work about forwarding in the API
    Fredrik> documentation (the TeX file in the MIT- KRB5
    Fredrik> source). 

That document is more harmful than useful.  There really isn't a good
API document for MIT Kerberos.

    Fredrik> Does anyone know of any other documentation that
    Fredrik> covers forwarding, or alternatively a program that uses
    Fredrik> the native Krb5 API for ticket forwarding whose source I
    Fredrik> can look at?

Let's see.  You could look at src/appl/bsd/kcmd.c, or
src/lib/gssapi/krb5/init_sec_ctx.c for examples of how to forward
tickets.  You can look at src/lib/krb5/fwd_tgt.c for the
implementation of how ticket forwarding works.

Sorry about the state of documentation.

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