Perl kadmin interface

Jason T Hardy jthardy at
Thu Aug 26 23:32:06 EDT 2004

I'm tinkering around with the Authen::Krb5::Admin Perl module but
stumbling when creating/deleting principals. I may be totally off:

$principal = Authen::Krb5::Admin::Principal::new($userName) or die Authen::Krb5::Admin::error;
$statusmsg = $kadm5->create_principal($principal, $userPassword) or die Authen::Krb5::Admin::error;

I've been unable to find any useful documentation on the Internet. Has
anyone on this list had success using this module? I'd be happy to share
my code when finished.

Jason T Hardy
Unix Systems Administrator
Office of Information Technology
University of Texas at Arlington

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