Using Windows AD generated Kerberos tickets without a PAC

Luke Howard lukeh at PADL.COM
Wed Aug 18 21:40:10 EDT 2004

>I presume that this only applies when users kinit from a unix
>environment. I.e. if you install this patch and configure users with
>this option then it will have no affect when they do a domain login and
>access windows resources. It will only change the behaviour when they do
>a kinit in a unix environment.

You don't configure ordinary users with this option; rather, you configure
service accounts (e.g. machines).

>I hope. Otherwise its not much use (in which case I'd really like to see
>the kinit option added, to not request a PAC. Indeed I think that is a
>good idea anyway because I'm quite sure our Domain Controller people
>will be hard to convince to apply this patch, and I'm sure I won't be
>the only one in that regard.)

Certainly, you can modify kinit to send pre-authentication data to the
domain controller asking it not to include a PAC. But this doesn't help
you if you have logged onto a Windows client and wish to access a UNIX
service that cannot deal with the increased ticket size.


-- Luke

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