leash32 2.6.4 issues

Matthew Cocker matt at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Tue Aug 3 21:25:16 EDT 2004


I am using Kerberos for Windows 2.6.4 and have some issues with it. The 
first is that when I use RDP to access a windows XP Pro box as a normal 
user the GUI is very slow unless I copy the conf files from c:\windows 
to the %userprofile%\windows directory for each user, then it seems 
happy. This is similar to how it works on server 2003 TS. Is this the 
intended behavior and this is how I should set it up.

The other problem is with how leash32 interacts with the openafs 
autologon process. The openafs auto logon gets krb5 tickets via leash 
setup (I can see this via the krb5kdc.log) and stores them in 
API:principle at REALM. Now if I start the leash32 gui and change the krb5 
cache to this and refresh the gui I see I have tickets on some machines 
(well one) but on the other 3 PCs I have no tickets until I 
reauthenticate with the afslogon tools. As I don't get a consistent 
result on all the machines I am guessing a configuration error in 
leash32 some how.



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