Problem in running gss.exe of kfw 2.6 using MSLSA cache and using Active Directory as kdc

Vikas Gandhi vgandhi at
Sun Apr 4 05:05:28 EDT 2004

Finally I found my mistake. I put a variable set KRB5_KTNAME=.\\krb5kt
Then I started running the server and this was successful!!!!
Now the client part It cribs 
C:\gss>gss-client.exe -port 4444  beetle mittest hello
GSS-API error initializing context: Miscellaneous failure
GSS-API error initializing context: No credentials cache found

I rechecked whether I have the right set of variables or not 
echo %KRB5CCNAME% gives me MSLSA:
Is there anything else that is missing ????
Some other registry setting ???


Jeffrey Altman <jaltman2 at> wrote in message news:<406D5BEA.8020102 at>...
> Vikas Gandhi wrote:
> > Can this be a factor for not being able to run the gss-server????
> > Where can I find this registry key to disable this new feature as I am
> > using windows 2003.
> The key is listed in the release notes and is automatically set by the
> KFW 2.6 installer.
> No, this functionality would not affect the gss-server.exe as the 
> gss-server.exe does not obtain keys from the MSLSA but instead must
> obtain keys from a keytab file.
> Jeffrey Altman

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