GSSAPI x Kerberos

Silvio Fonseca silvio at
Fri Jul 11 10:17:44 EDT 2003

Citando Sam Hartman <hartmans at>:

>>> I have an application that uses HTTP (or HTTPS) to communicate
>>> between the server and the clients and neither are browsers or
>>> web servers...
>Douglas> Another option is that OpenSSL can encapsulate Kerberos
>Douglas> tickets in what SSL thinks are certificates.
>Please don't do this is you can avoid it.  Use either the Mozilla or
>the Microsoft style GSSAPI, or better yet don't use HTTP at all if you
>don't expect your application to be used by normal web browsers.

I can avoid it... As I told Douglas, I have control over server and client 
code, so is up to me to decide what I want... The lead developer idea was to 
use the Microsoft implementation using the "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate" tag, 
but it's more likely that I'll use the Mozilla implementation (using GSS-
Negotiate in the tag and pure GSS code encoded in base64) only and later change 
to SPNEGO, from what I readed in SPNEGO RFC and Microsoft Implementation, will 
be simple...

>There are some significant issues with RFC 2712 (Kerberos inside TLS)
>and even more significant issues with the OpenSSL implementation of
>that spec.

There's (besides kx509) any implementation of this? Just to know, what issues??

Silvio Fonseca
Linux Consultant
Relato Consultoria de Informática
Rua Mto. João Gomes de Araújo, 106 cj. 42
Alto de Santana - São Paulo - SP
Telefones: (11) 6978-5253 / (11) 6978-5262
Fax: (11) 6971-3115

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