Introduction/Business Proposal

Nsekou Mobutu Sesekou mobutu_family at
Thu Jan 16 03:42:10 EST 2003

My Dear Friend , 
GREETING!!!.With a humbled heart I commit myself this day to write 
and ask for your benevolence and kind consideration of 
my families plight for assistance. I am making this contact on behalf of my
 family not minding the consequences but hoping that you would understand our
 predicament and come to our aid and assist us. I would also kindly apologize
 for any inconvenience or embarrassment this might cause your person, as we
 neither know each other personally nor have had any previous contact or
I am Julius Nsekou Mobutu Sese Sekou,son of the late president Mobutu Sese Sekou
 of the Congo Democratic Republic(former Republic of Zaire). 
There was unrest (war) in my country which resulted in the overthrow and
 eventual of my father President 
Mobutu Sese Sekou.My family members have since escaped 
to Morocco while i am presently in Nigeria(West Africa) on political asylum. 
Due to the political crisis,no member of my family can go back to the Congo
 Democratic Republic or transact any business investment there,also my fathers
 properties have been seized and Bank accounts frozen by the Government of
 Lawrent Joseph Kabila. 
Before my father died ,he deposited the sum of $50.5 MILLION(USD) CASH in a
 PRIVATE SECURITY VAULT in Europe.Please we need your assistance in moving and
 securing this money in your bank accounts abroad,my family will compensate you
 adequately with 20% of the total amount for your assistance and co operation. 
My family will want to invest this money abroad,and for this reason, i sincerely
 appeal to you to help us in setting up this business.May i also state that you
 will advice on areas of investment as regards your business and your country as
 the families foreign partner. 
I look forward to further co-operation from you and will be grateful for your
 immediate response through the underlisted mediums. 
Reply back to E-mail: juliusnsekou at
Yours Sincerely, 
Julius Nsekou Mobutu & Entire Family. 

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