Web auth

Sebastian Konstanty Zdrojewski s.zdrojewski at neticon.it
Fri Apr 11 13:29:44 EDT 2003


I am new to this mailing list, so please excuse me if I am saying 
something stupid.

I am working on an authentication system for a web application using the 
Windows NT5 domain controller authentication database. Does anybody 
already worked on this and can give me a suggestion?

Thanks in advance,

Sebastian Konstanty Zdrojewski
IT Analyst

Neticon S.r.l.
via Valtellina, 16 - 20159 Milano
Tel. +39 02 68.80.731
FAX +39
Cell. +39 349.33.04.311
ICQ # 97334916
Web: http://www.neticon.it/
E-mail: s.zdrojewski at neticon.it

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