problems compiling krb5.1.2 on solaris 8 zrnaqvi at
Thu May 23 16:45:35 EDT 2002

> To fix and build meanwhile; several fixes: touch to
> make sure it's more recent than whatever directory it lives in.
> Or, install a copy of somewhere where it can be
> executed at run-time, as "autoheader".  After autoheader is
> run, it may be necessary to blow away any .o's and run 'configure'
> afresh, before another top level "make all" can be done.
> 			-Marcus Watts

Marcus thanks for your help. I tried the first option "touch" it did some progress but now I am stuck at the following.

*** Error code 1
make: Fatal Error: command failed for target 'check-recurse'
Current working directory /opt/kerberos/krb5/src/lib/crypto/crc32
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal Error: command failed for target 'check-recurse'
Current working directory /opt/kerberos/krb5/src/lib/crypto
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal Error: command failed for target 'check-recurse'
Current working directory /opt/kerberos/krb5/src/lib/

Any ideas on this one.


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