Ken Hornstein kenh at
Thu Mar 28 09:23:11 EST 2002

>> That's a start -- but as I said, the krb5 library uses some C library
>> routines that may themselves not be thread-safe, and if you're using
>> those routines also in other threads at the same time, that could
>> cause problems.  (Gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr, for example.)
>No - ALL kerberos stuff is housed within the mutex, one at a time through 
>the funnel.

I think Ken's point was that if elsewhere in your program you call
gethostbyname() (or perhaps a function that calls gethostbyname()) _not_
in the Kerberos routines, then the gethostbyname() in the Kerberos library
could fail since gethostbyname() isn't thread-safe.  As you describe it,
the mutex just blocks other calls to the Kerberos library, right?  It
doesn't completely stop other threads.


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