How does gsscred work? carcassone_fr at
Fri Jul 5 14:03:40 EDT 2002

I have install a KDC on a Solaris machine which will act as the
server.  My client machine is a HP-UX.  I got gss-server (Solaris) and
gss-client (Solaris and HP-UX) working without any problems.

Then I ported gsscred on HP-UX.  The utility executed without any
errors and generated gsscred_db for the Kerberos mechanism.  However,
I don't see any output from KDC log file when gsscred is executed. 
Shouldn't gsscred be talking to the KDC?

How about gssd?  Which services/principals are gsscred/gssd utilizing
when going over to the KDC?

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