Any idea?

Matias C. Szmulewiez matiassz at
Fri Jul 5 09:30:05 EDT 2002


 When I compile the gsi, I get that error:

operator at ds:/opt/gsi-041701$ ./gsi-install -prefix=/opt/gsi-041701

Domain name not returned by 'hostname' command!
Enter domain name of this host []
Allow parallel builds (bad for slow CPUs or small RAM)? [no]

All options saved in checkpoint file
Run "./globus-build/globus-install.status.31716 --help" for more info.

Installing tools/i686-pc-linux-gnu.
You can follow our progress by watching the following logfile:
    configuring build space...
    making files...
Cleaning temporary build space...
Installation of tools/i686-pc-linux-gnu is not complete.

Installing development/i686-pc-linux-gnu_nothreads_standard_debug.
You can follow our progress by watching the following logfile:

    configuring build space...
    making files...
    installing files...
Finalizing installed files... done.
Cleaning temporary build space...

Globus auto install exiting...
Build /opt/gsi-041701/tools/i686-pc-linux-gnu failed
There were errors, so your installation may not be complete.
operator at ds:/opt/gsi-041701$

operator at ds:/opt/gsi-041701$ ls -lap tools/i686-pc-linux-gnu/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    2 operator operator     4096 Jul  5 10:12 ./
drwxr-xr-x    3 operator operator     4096 Jul  5 10:12 ../
operator at ds:/opt/gsi-041701$




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