ftpd and AFS tickets

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 23 15:14:45 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Douglas" == Douglas E Engert <deengert at anl.gov> writes:

    Douglas> Can you say who the author is? I would like to see this
    Douglas> in 1.2.5 or the following release.  We could reomve our
    Douglas> mods from ftpd which in effect call ak5log.

As a general rule, we change our releases very little once we have
released a beta; since we have already released two 1.2.5 betas, you
should be able to assume no new features are going in.

We also try to defer all new features until the next branch cut.  I
don't think we'd accept PAM support onto the 1.2 branch unless there
were some very interesting circumstances.

But obviously we do want to see that feature in 1.3 or 2.0 or whatever
the next mainline release is.

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