Kerberos 5, kprop problem

Norbert Veber nveber at
Mon Apr 15 15:09:26 EDT 2002

In article <3CBADE69.A8AF95AA at>, Alex M. George wrote:
> --------------59D6FE39DC24D4195092E36C
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> Hello all,
> I am new to kerberos and trying to implement across campus for
> authentication.  Installation procedures from MIT is working fine upto
> the slave server replication part, that give an error message:
> kprop: Server rejected authentication (during sendauth exchange) while
> authenticating to server
> Generic remote error: Wrong principal in request

I have the same configuration, with inetd.conf setup, keys exported to
/etc/krb5.keytab, host principals added, kpropd.acl setup, etc.
Everything works but the propagation.  I get a different error than Alex
root at abel[904:~]# /usr/local/sbin/kprop -d -f
/usr/local/sbin/kprop: Client not found in Kerberos database while
getting initial ticket

I read the installation manual several times to make sure I set
everything as instructed, and could find nothing wrong.  I also read the

The master server is Solaris 7.  I have two slave servers (debian/potato
and freebsd 4.5).  The propagation doesnt work with either of them, and
nothing gets printed in the logs.  All are running MIT krb5-1.2.4, built
from source.

Any ideas?



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