ticket lifetime -- I must be overlooking something

Martin Schulz schulz at iwrmm.math.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri Apr 12 11:11:06 EDT 2002

kenh at cmf.nrl.navy.mil (Ken Hornstein) writes:

> >I have a running MIT kerberos V server (on Linux), and I wanted to
> >raise the ticket lifetime for the Tgt's.
> >
> >I raised the "maximum ticket life" for that principal in kadmin. 
> Did you just raise the max lifetime of the tgt principal, or the client

I forgot the krbtgt. 

> principal, or both?  (You need to do both).  And you'll need to raise the
> lifetime of service tickets as well.

kinit -l 24h gives longer tickets by now. But kinit (without options)
or pam do not. 

> Make sure that "kinit -l 300h" shows a longer ticket lifetime as well;
> maybe PAM isn't picking up those entries.

This seems to be a client-side issue by now. Where does kinit takes it
defaults from? 

Martin Schulz                             schulz at iwrmm.math.uni-karlsruhe.de
Uni Karlsruhe, Institut f. wissenschaftliches Rechnen u. math. Modellbildung
Engesser Str. 6, 76128 Karlsruhe

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