ticket lifetime -- I must be overlooking something

Martin Schulz schulz at iwrmm.math.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri Apr 12 07:20:37 EDT 2002


I have a running MIT kerberos V server (on Linux), and I wanted to
raise the ticket lifetime for the Tgt's.

I raised the "maximum ticket life" for that principal in kadmin. 
I raised the "max_life" setting in the realms section of kdc.conf.
I raised the "ticket_lifetime" in the libdefaults section of krb5.conf.
I raised the "ticket_lifetime" in the pam section of krb5.conf.

However, the tickets actually obtained have all 10h lifetime, though I
set the limits to a higer value.  All the above settings can be used
to restrict the lifetimes to less than 10h. Apparently, there must be
at least one more setting that limits the lifetime. Any suggestions?

Martin Schulz                             schulz at iwrmm.math.uni-karlsruhe.de
Uni Karlsruhe, Institut f. wissenschaftliches Rechnen u. math. Modellbildung
Engesser Str. 6, 76128 Karlsruhe

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