[kdc-schema] Kerberos Password Policy vs LDAP Password Policy

Ludovic Poitou ludovic.poitou at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 30 06:42:49 EDT 2003

Leif Johansson wrote:

> Ludovic Poitou wrote:
>> I've done an evaluation of both Kerberos and LDAP password policies, 
>> based on a Sun blueprint (http://www.sun.com/blueprints/1001/krb.pdf, 
>> page 12 "Establishing the Password Policies").
>> There's nothing in the kerberos password policy that is not supported 
>> by the LDAP password policy.
>> The only item that differ is the Kerberos "Maximum Password Classes". 
>> The LDAP password policy defines whether the "syntax" is to be 
>> checked but doesn't defines what are the minimal requirement on the 
>> password itself. These requirements are implementation details.
> Good work Ludovic - I guess there should be a separate type of policy 
> password quality ...
>       Cheers Leif

I agree.
However, I don't believe there are a very common way to express password 
quality. Each organization has it's own opinion of the minimum quality 
and way to express it.
Classes of characters is one way. Some other ways include more explicit 
Lower and Upper Case characters, number of characters in each class and 
even positioning of these class of characters, checking against specific 


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