[kdc-schema] Kerberos Password Policy vs LDAP Password Policy

Leif Johansson leifj at it.su.se
Wed Jul 30 06:18:57 EDT 2003

Ludovic Poitou wrote:

> I've done an evaluation of both Kerberos and LDAP password policies, 
> based on a Sun blueprint (http://www.sun.com/blueprints/1001/krb.pdf, 
> page 12 "Establishing the Password Policies").
> There's nothing in the kerberos password policy that is not supported 
> by the LDAP password policy.
> The only item that differ is the Kerberos "Maximum Password Classes". 
> The LDAP password policy defines whether the "syntax" is to be checked 
> but doesn't defines what are the minimal requirement on the password 
> itself. These requirements are implementation details.

Good work Ludovic - I guess there should be a separate type of policy 
password quality ...

       Cheers Leif

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