[ietf-enroll] Fwd: Draft Minutes IETF 60 ENROLL
Paul Hoffman / VPNC
paul.hoffman at vpnc.org
Tue Aug 24 22:39:50 EDT 2004
Everyone: please take a look at these minutes and send any
corrections to the list. Thanks!
--Paul Hoffman
>Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 09:29:46 -0400
>From: "Sean P. Turner" <turners at ieca.com>
>Organization: IECA, Inc.
>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>To: "Hoffman, Paul" <phoffman at imc.org>
>Subject: Draft Minutes IETF 60 ENROLL
>Here are the corrected minutes - maybe you should just send them in.
>I'm not sure if it's my mail filters dumping the subscribe response
>or not...
>Minutes for the ENROLL Meeting
>IETF 60
>August 2, 2004
>1. Agenda: Hoffman presented the Agenda: Agenda bashing (Paul
>Hoffman), draft-pritikin-ttimodel, (Max Pritikin), Comments on the
>ttimodel draft (Jim Schaad), Where do we go?, and Revisions of
>2. Trusted Transitive Introduction Model: Pritikin presented an
>overview of the ttimodel draft. Model is essentially that of a
>secure introductions system, which is a third party that facilitates
>the "out of band" exchanges between systems trying to establish
>authentication. Process is recursive, so the more stages you go
>through the more systems you can communicate securely with. Basic
>low-security exchange must occur as the first step, but this may
>take place during manufacturing or staging over a physically secure
>link (i.e., a short wire). This initial introduction would allow
>the device to "imprint" on its first connection, establishing basic
>policies, initial credentials, etc.
>Somebody asked for clarification that you don't have to establish
>initial credentials or policy during the initial imprint, but it's a
>good idea to do so. Pritikin agreed that this was the case. He
>suggested that competitive pressure would drive vendors to do more
>during the initial imprint, because it gives you a competitive
>advantage over other products that do less.
>Kumar (from Panasonic) asked how, if you're making lots of small
>devices, how you can stop the production line to initialize each.
>Pritikin noted that this complex configuration may not be common.
>That simpler examples may be the norm for small devices. Chris
>Bonatti asked for clarification that this initial step was analogous
>to a manufacturing initialization, like loading a unique serial
>number onto an Ethernet adapter. Pritikin agreed and Hoffman
>amplified, noting yes but an operation unique to ENROLL.
>Randy Turner remarked that mass marketing was a unique environment,
>and that he would like to see the existence proof for this concept.
>Pritikin noted that the communication paths exist in the "out of
>band" case. It's merely a question of whether your model takes
>advantage of that in a way that you can build on in a structured
>way. Pritikin proposed that we evaluate whether this approach is a
>good way forward for ENROLL, finalize the draft as a WG document.
>3. Comments on Trusted Transitive Introduction Model: Schaad
>presented some prepared comments on the ttimodel draft. He stated
>that he does not think that the existing document does a good job at
>what a model document should be. However, he thinks that the model
>implied makes sense. He presented an alternate view of the model
>using the roles of Petitioner, Registrar, and Introducer. He noted
>that in some scenarios the introducers might not be the same entity
>for authenticating the Petitioner to the Registrar and vice versa.
>He equated his "mediated" model as being equivalent to what is
>presented in the ttimodel draft.
>Randy Turner summarized Schaad's comments by referring to the "Goal
>of ENROLL" slide. To wit, produce a document that: Describes a
>model of doing introduction, Describes security aspects of model,
>Allows for designers of protocols to evaluate their protocol against
>the model. Randy suggested that Schaad was saying that the TTI
>model does the first, but not the second. Schaad responded that he
>was looking for something higher level that compared different
>approaches. Pritikin was happy to add more models to the document
>to address Schaad's concerns.
>4. Milestones: Hoffman was unsure whether the work could be
>completed in a year and asked who is interest. Many raised their
>hands and it was agreed to press forward with the work under the
>assumption that it should be completed within the year.
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