[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Fwd: Harvard vs MIT vs Stanford Game Night || April 16th

Shangdi Yu shangdiy at mit.edu
Mon Apr 12 15:10:06 EDT 2021

The Graduate Student Councils at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford will be hosting a "Games Night" on Friday, April 16 during two timeslots. This will be a great opportunity to meet new students, take a break from assignments, and have fun!

Timeslot A: 10-11:15am EST
Timeslot B: 8-9:15pm EST 

Game rounds include trivia, guess the name, and more! Raffle winners will be awarded prizes. Limited Spots Only:https://forms.gle/61QcEW7AWsEEcnbRA <https://forms.gle/61QcEW7AWsEEcnbRA>

Somayajulu Dhulipala
GSC Activities Co-Chair


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